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Major Renovation:
La Sagrada Familia
Head Start/Early Head Start at the Antiguo Hospital de La Concepción

41 Concepción Street, San Germán, Puerto Rico

Centro de Desarrollo Familiar Seasonal Head Start/Early Head Start | Child Care Partnership [CDF]

Diócesis de Mayagüez

2020 - 2026

The building that is now occupied by the Sagrada Familia Center used to be the Antiguo Hospital La Concepción. The construction of the masonry structure was completed on April 9, 1842, and the Hospital was transferred from this new location. As stated on the National Park Service’s Nomination for the San Germán Historic District: “This site was probably chosen because of its proximity to the main road that led from town; its location on a hill, which according to the medical precepts of the time, allowed the breezes to diffuse the elements of contagion; and finally, its location in what were the outskirts of the city, which aided in the quarantine of dangerous cases…” Therefore, the property is ideal for having ideal cross ventilation to comply with current COVID-19 requirements.


In 1877, the building was expanded towards the west in order to provide housing for the Hijas de la Caridad Nuns from the Vicente de Paul Order, who were in charge of the hospital at that time. In 1938, the Fourth Level and Operation Halls were built. In 1950, the Fifth Level was built in order to provide Dormitories and additional Operation Halls. In 1988, the most recent addition to the building was built towards the west, with an elevator core. Through time, additional buildings were added, such as the Sagrada Familia Church to the north and Catholic Services Center to the south. 

The current Project, which started in 2020, consists of the rehabilitation of the Property using Office of Head Start [OHS] Recovery Funds to execute a Major Renovation for the Centro La Sagrada Familia. The existing property, which consists of 5 levels and over 47,000 square feet, will be renovated to comply with current building codes and OHS Standards for providing services to the children currently enrolled in the HS/EHS Program.

It is the intention of the Project to educate children and their families of the importance of architecture and historic preservation by exposing them to one of the most important buildings within the historic urban center of San Germán, Puerto Rico.

Design Phase:



Manuel Bermúdez, AIA: Architect of Record

Mariela Bravo Pascual AIA

Juan Carlos Colón

Sairimar Gómez AIT

Kristy Rivera AIT


Louis Amy AE Studio

Wesley López PE

Jonely López PE


Estructuras AE

Gabriel Alcaraz Emmanuelli PE

José Dones AIT

Bryan Marrero


Jorge Ledón Webster PE PSC


Juan Requena + Asociados

Arnaldo Calzada Paler PE

Construction Phase:

Construction Observation:


Mariela Bravo Pascual AIA

Lara Barreiro Cummings AIA

Juan Carlos Colón

Kristy Rivera AIT


ANG Construction

Bienvenido Negrón, PE

Eng. Alvin Martínez

Eng. Sammy Mohammed

Designated Inspector:

Roberto Alemán + Associates

Roberto Alemán, PE

Eng. Jean Pierre Irizarry

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